The Assignment: Choose one historical concept about the Dahomey women warriors addressed in Edna Bay’s “Women in Combat,” a review of Stanley B. Alpern’s text Amazons of Black Sparta: The Women Warriors of Dahomey. Then in a five-page critical analysis – using a Womanist, Afrofuturist framework – that discusse

The Assignment: Choose one historical concept about the Dahomey women
warriors addressed in Edna Bay’s “Women in Combat,” a review of Stanley B.
Alpern’s text Amazons of Black Sparta: The Women Warriors of Dahomey. Then
in a five-page critical analysis – using a Womanist, Afrofuturist framework – that
discusses how a comic book author(s) re-interpreted Alpern’s historical narrative of
your chosen concept. You may only reference comic book issues or graphic
novels we read in class this semester.
Evidence and Support: You must support your claim with three primary sources.
These sources may consist of books and peer-reviewed academic articles.

Assignment Requirements:
● Five full pages
● Essay saved as an MS Word or PDF file (Google Doc and Mac Pages formats will not be accepted)
● Follow MLA guidelines (Purdue OWL online: