Design the cube for analyzing students’ performance. 2. Design 3 dimensions for the cube. The time dimension is as default, as Year-quarter-monthday. You still need two more dimensions. 3. Define each

Assignment Task


Suppose you are designing a system for managing and analyzing students, teachers, and courses in software college (SC for short). SC has about students, courses, and 100 teachers over 10 years. These data are in a larger amount of Excel files and databases over 10 years.

Please make a report to explain the following aspects:

1. Design the cube for analyzing students’ performance.

2. Design 3 dimensions for the cube. The time dimension is as default, as Year-quarter-monthday. You still need two more dimensions.

3. Define each dimension. What is Dimensional Hierarchy, Dimensional Level, Dimensional Attribute Values by examples, and Values Tree by an example. Notice that a Dimensional Hierarchy should contain at least three Levels.

4. Explain the measure and aggregation of the cube.

5. Explain a roll-up or drill-down case for your cube in English.

6. Design multi-tiered architecture for the data warehouse of SC. Give each part of the architecture a good name. For example, what is the name of the metadata database? Also, descript the design purpose and function of each part.

7. Explain your ETL plan about the data warehouse of SC. The following two points should be covered:

7.1 Explain how to detect changes in the E step of ETL.

7.2 The ETL Implementation with nature key and surrogate key, the implementation could be in SQL style or pseudocode. It should be specified.

8. Adopting Jaccard Coefficient or Simple Matching Coefficient to determine which two of the follow three records are more similar?

9. A transaction database is shown as the following. Let minimal support and minimal confidence be 0.6 and 0.8, respectively. Please list all frequent k-itemset (no less than minimal support) and find all strong association rules (no less than minimal confidence)