Motivation: What are the key motivations? High-level view: What does it do at a high level (e.g., birds-eye view)? Beneficia

Assignment Task


Implement an end-to-end cloud application using AWS cloud platform and technologies. You are free to use any programming language/framework and third-party API of your choice to develop your solution. Below are some example project ideas for inspiration.

A contact tracing tool for health authorities and governments.

  • Example use-cases that can potentially be implemented:
  • Trace: find out when you have been near other app users who have tested positive for coronavirus.
  • Alert: lets you know the level of coronavirus risk in your postcode district.
  • Check-in: get alerted if you have visited a venue where you may have come into contact with coronavirus, using a simple QR code scanner. No more form filling.
  • Symptoms: check if you have coronavirus symptoms and see if you need to order a test.
  • Test: helps you order a test if you need to.
  • Isolate: keep track of your self-isolation countdown and access relevant advice.

AWS services that can potentially be used:

  • AWS RDS: To persist application state and data.
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk: To achieve the ease of deployment and scaling.
  • AWS API Gateway: To expose application functionalities as APIs to user interfaces as well as third-party applications.
  • AWS Lambda: To implement application functionalities that get triggered on-demand in response to events from user interfaces.
  • AWS CloudFront: To efficiently deliver media content (e.g. images, etc) to the users.
  • AWS S3: To persist media content.

A light-weight ride-sharing system that allows passengers to book rides, and drivers to accept bookings.

A lightweight social media platform that allows users to share content within their social network.

A lightweight crypto exchange platform that allows users to build and maintain portfolios of crypto assets, trade them and monitor trends.

Introduction: Introduce your project such as

  • Motivation: What are the key motivations?
  •  High-level view: What does it do at a high level (e.g., birds-eye view)?
  • Beneficiaries: Who are the key beneficiaries/target audiences? (e.g., types of users, organizations, etc.)

Related work: Refer to some related works similar to your application.

System Architecture

  • One or more comprehensively documented architectural diagram(s) that shows the function and communication between different cloud components used in your project. [Note:] The diagram(s) must be able to clearly show 1) the whole process how each client interface operation invokes the other components of the system, 2) the detailed interactions (e.g., invoking) among all the components, and 3) the functions of all the components. Some examples are provided via Assessments -> Assessment 3 section in Canvas.
  • A system description that explains the purpose of using each of those components.
  • Description of any datasets/data structures/APIs you used for your project (ifany) [use figures if required

Mandatory live demonstration

You must demonstrate your project (make your applications live using AWS Cloud before your demo begins). The demonstration booking option will be posted in Canvas.