Parents of the Preschool ‘A’ class are upset about how warm the classroom is getting in the summer as the windows do not open, and there is no air conditioning. (Temperatures are within Public Health regulations.)

Assignment Task

To understand and compare various examples of verbal and written communication to situations that can occur in the workplace, create innovative strategies and/or products that meet identified needs, reflect practice and collaboration, analyze how cultural and perceptual barriers influence personal and professional relationships. Communicate clearly, concisely, and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of audiences.


In a small group of 2 or 3 students, choose one of the following scenarios (or your instructor may provide one for you), discuss and compare thoughts and ideas about your communication challenge. Prepare a written report and include the criteria listed below. Throughout the assignment, work as partners to discuss the progress and any challenges.

Must include

  • List of communications needed to manage the challenge
  • Goal of communication
  • Needs of all parties involved and create innovative strategies and/or products that meet identified needs
  • List of potential Challenges
  • Cultural Considerations
  • Adaptive Strategies Facilitate types of non-verbal communication

Possible Scenario

Parents of the Preschool ‘A’ class are upset about how warm the classroom is getting in the summer as the windows do not open, and there is no air conditioning. (Temperatures are within Public Health regulations.) They have requested that the Preschool staff sign the petition to the Director of the Daycare and the School Principal and dropped it off in envelope for them to sign and be picked up at the end of the day. The staff feel caught in the middle and do not know what to do but agree that something regarding the heat must be done. They decide to write a letter to, in the hope progress can be made