The final assessment is a timed assessment to be completed in six (5) hours from the time of release. The assessment will be in a take-home exam format where you will be required to submit your responses/report on a Turnitin link on iLearn along with the Data and Code files on a separate link. A report generat

Assignment Task

Below are some important points to note for the final assessment.

  • The final assessment is a timed assessment to be completed in six (5) hours from the time of release.
  • The assessment will be in a take-home exam format where you will be required to submit your responses/report on a Turnitin link on iLearn along with the Data and Code files on a separate link.
  • A report generated using RMarkdown will be preferred, where the word/pdf will be uploaded on Turnitin and the Rmarkdown along with data will be on the separate link.
  • There will be no extension granted for the assessment. Students with unavoidable circumstances will be granted a supplementary assessment at a later date conditional on a successful special consideration application.
  • Special considerations should be submitted before the assessment is released.
  • Students can only download/view the assessment if they are to complete and submit the assessment, as by