The topic (e.g. definitions of terms), and the reasons (Research Rationale) why you have chosen the subject or issue to study (You get this from the introductions of your chosen articles e.g. important topic because; research gap).

Assignment Task

The topic (e.g. definitions of terms), and the reasons (Research Rationale) why you have chosen the subject or issue to study (You get this from the introductions of your chosen articles e.g. important topic because; research gap).

Aims and Objectives of the research Research Questions where you will mention the questions you are seeking to resolve.

Thesis structure: This is a brief overview of how the rest of the Mini-Thesis is formatted and a brief explanation of the content of each section. For example, ‘Chapter 2 is the literature review where I review up-to-date literature on the topic. Chapter 3 explains the research methodology, mixed methods. It also included methods of data collection and information about participant

Literature review

Chapter two is intended to contain a critical review of literature (found in your 5 articles only) related to the topic researched. Write it in a clear and logical manner. For example, divide the chapter into 3 parts, Let’s say we will talk about shy students. Then one section will be about the reasons for shyness, another about the negative effects of shyness on students, and the third about solutions to shyness. Basically, you see what you have in your articles and you make your sections accordingly

Research Methodology

Write about the methodology used: Mixed methods. Write information about mixed methods 1 paragraph (in your research proposal, last term). Explain why you have selected mixed methods.

  • Then write about the data collection methods that you have employed in the research (quantitative, qualitative).
  • Talk about your participants (adults only, and if you will collect work from student)
  • Talk about ethics (refer to the ethics document, last term)
  • Explain how you analyzed data. (descriptive statistics for Quan, thematic/content analysis for Qualitative)

Discussion and conclusion

  • Mention each of your research questions and clearly write an answer to the question from your findings/results.
  • Say whether your findings were similar or different from some of the research you reviewed in the literature review. Give an explanation , why they are similar or different, if you can.
  • Write a section on the limitations of your study (e.g. small number of participants, short time to apply the intervention, etc.).
  • You can also make recommendations (for schools, teachers, etc) based on your results