• A detailed research paper in APA Format on the “positive & negative impacts of

• A detailed research paper in APA Format on the “positive & negative impacts of social media on youth today”.
• (Things to mention) CONS: mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem (other correlating issues such as racism, cyber bullying, discrimination).
PROS: Education, staying connected with loved ones, becoming creative and learning new hobbies, learning to become tech savvy.
•potential demographics to focus on; youths of different racial backgrounds, cultural backgrounds, social status backgrounds, gender, and age
– APA Title page
– Abstract
-Literature Review
– Theoretical Perspective (2 paragraphs on Colls Integrative model theory and its keys and concepts)
-Heading of Theme 1: social media has made a great impact on the world today in terms of staying connected and education however it has also reached the wrong audience and had an impact on young minds. (With reference(s)
-Heading of Theme 2: We need to understand the importance on why young users need proper education on how to use social media because of how it has caused mental health issues for children and adolescents. (With reference(s)
-future research
-reference page