From the Syllabus: Choose a case study of religion and violence, preferably an e

From the Syllabus:
Choose a case study of religion and violence, preferably an empirical study of a particular religious tradition, historical event or period. For more details, see the paper guide posted on Blackboard.
At least 1/3 of the references should include sources outside of the relevant assigned readings, which must also be included, and on topics of related interest obtained through a Google Scholar (or other appropriate online) search, preferably combined with posting on Zotero. Identify sources you post in Zotero with an asterisk (*) for 3 points extra credit.
Criteria for grading:
Grasp of the major issues of the course_________    
* warrior-pacifist-nonviolent activist framework
* violent vs. nonviolent conflict
* role of religious beliefs, institutions, and rituals in conflict____________
Case study or theory about religion and violence/nonviolence_______________      
Rich use of texts & course materials____________   
* Accuracy of interpretation ________________
* Reflection on class discussions _____________
* Use of course readings (required for an A) ____         
Use of sources in addition to course materials          
* Appropriate bibliography & citations ________           
Analysis:  applications of theoretical
approaches, use of the various elements of the conflict transformation grid
Appropriateness of topic, length, & substance ___   
Style (not a grading criterion)
* composition & organization ________________          
* spelling & grammar _______________________