PLEASE DO COLOMBIA AND ENGLAND Country Case Study: In this research essay, you w

Country Case Study: In this research essay, you will compare and contrast the status of dramatic serials from 2 countries. The assignment builds on the knowledge and depth you have built over the term. The comparison approach allows you a more complex understanding of the contexts of television program systems in general and of dramatic programs specifically. To tackle this assignment, chose 2 countries, not the USA. Consider the following items in a well organized essay:
Describe the level of economic development, languages spoken, age, gender and ethnic/cultural demographics, etc. of the chosen countries. What is your supporting evidence? What excellent sources are you drawing from?
Specify and describe who controls the media? Describe whether the media system is privately controlled by conglomerates, elite families, the government, or combinations of interests. What is your supporting evidence? What excellent sources are you drawing from?
Describe policies or laws that have impact on dramatic serial content and distribution. For example, do laws prohibit certain content? Do laws prohibit certain imports? What is your supporting evidence.
Describe policies or laws that have impact on dramatic serial viewing. For example, are certain TV shows illegal to own and watch? For example, can women and male viewers watch together in a public cafe? What is your supporting evidence? What excellent sources are you drawing from?
Name key media companies, organizations, and production companies that are involved in melodramatic television serial creation and production. Do these entities export the programs? What is your supporting evidence? What excellent sources are you drawing from?
Specify how dramatic television serials are available to the public (DVD, Internet, cable television, etc)? What is your supporting evidence? What excellent sources are you drawing from?
After you have gathered information from your countries, ask yourself: Why do the differences or similarities exist?
Be sure NOT to copy and paste your draft writings from your notes into the paper and leave it there. Be sophisticated. Rework and polish your writing, consider your topic issues carefully. You are conducting analysis and you want to put forth your brilliant ideas!
Safe Assign will identify other students’ work as plagiarism if your paper pulls from someone’s previous work . Be careful not to copy and paste from pieces of sentences from the Internet and pieces of articles, and claim those sentences as your writing since that is plagiarism. Safe Assign will bust that too. Give credit where credit is due and quote directly from reliable govt, industry, academic sources.
You cannot pick the USA. You cannot pick the USA for this assignment. If you pick the USA, Captain America will bite your toe and you will get a zero.
Advice: Pick a country with a language you can read extremely well. Be able to understand the spoken language extremely well. For example, if you can read Italian news media, novels and government documents well and have facility in the spoken language, you can pick Italy since your sources will be in Italian and video clips from TV shows will have actors speaking Italian. 
Advice: The United Kingdom is big. Be specific about your countries. What are the exact two countries you are writing about? 
Advice: Latin America is big. Be specific about your countries. What are the exact two countries are you writing about? Be extremely clear about your usage of “North America”, “Central America” and “South America”. 
Advice: You can pick a country from one hemisphere and compare it to another from a different hemisphere it you want.
Advice: If you use Wiki as a source, that is very very bad. Never apply Wiki to academic or professional work since the information could be coming from a bored twelve-year old with creative ideas. Your score will suffer by at least one whole grade if you use Wiki. The score can be a zero. Do not use Wiki. 
Adivice: Using a bot is bad. Bots spew out confused information. Using a bot is cheating with very bad disorganized bulltwinkies.
Advice: Use the standard Academic Essay Format. This allows for standard organizational structure. 
Your case study should be 6 pages of writing (please don’t have more for this Essay) plus references, written in APA style, and follow a  Standard Academic Essay Format Standard Academic Essay Format – Alternative Formats  If you would like to include visuals or charts, put them in an appendix at the end of the paper. Make sure to include your last name in the attached file name (for example, Wong_CaseStudy.doc) and within the document itself. Refer to the rubric called  Case Study – Part 2 rubric Case Study – Part 2 rubric – Alternative Formats for grading criteria for this assignment. Case Studies are due by the date listed in the Course Schedule. Do not attempt to send your paper through UConn mail, it will be deleted. 
Note: Upon submission, your case study paper will be evaluated by SafeAssign a plagiarism detection software. Ensure you have avoided plagiarism prior to submitting your work. Do not copy and paste from articles or websites. Do not plagiarize your own work by just copying and pasting sentences from your previous essays.