Reply to these 4 discussion posts, with at least a paragraph each. 1. Hi every

Reply to these 4 discussion posts, with at least a paragraph each.


Hi everyone, In Errol Morris’s documentary “The Thin Blue Line,” viewers are plunged into a gripping tale of conflicting narratives, blurred truths, and elusive justice. Morris skillfully weaves together storytelling techniques to navigate through the murky waters of a murder case, urging audiences to question their assumptions about guilt and innocence. At its heart, “The Thin Blue Line” is a powerful indictment of the flaws in our justice system, challenging viewers to reevaluate what they thought they knew about truth and fairness.

Morris employs two key rhetorical strategies to drive home his argument. Firstly, he expertly juxtaposes conflicting perspectives and testimonies, highlighting the inconsistencies and contradictions within the case. By contrasting interview footage of Adams’s proclamations of innocence with evidence that casts doubt on his involvement, Morris forces viewers to question the reliability of witness accounts and the prosecution’s narrative.

Secondly, Morris creates a palpable atmosphere throughout the film, infused with tension and unease. Through haunting music, stark lighting, and chilling reenactments, he draws viewers into the unsettling world of the crime. This atmospheric tension not only heightens the emotional impact of the story but also underscores the gravity of the injustice suffered by Adams. By immersing viewers in this atmosphere of dread, Morris effectively communicates the urgency of his argument and compels them to confront the profound consequences of wrongful conviction.


When we think about the concept of a justice system, we often think about justice in particular. What is it? According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of justice is “The quality of being just, impartial, or fair.” So ideally that means the Justice system is the well-oiled machine that always gives everyone a fair shot in the court of law right? Wrong. In the film The Thin Blue Line by Errol Morris, he retells the story of Randall Adams, and David Harris, two men who are in the center of an intense police murder investigation. In this documentary Morris uses his creative writing and the use of subtle details that lead us to believe that the man convicted, Randall Adams, is innocent and David Harris is guilty. While simultaneously highlighting the very real corruption of the American justice system. Morris flawlessly does so without condemning one person and praising the other. There is a very natural progression that leads the audience to their own conclusion. Morris then delves into the topic of truth, and how the people that are supposed to protect us, may not always have our best interests at heart.

At the start of the film, Morris uses a color motif of the color red to not only get your attention throughout the documentary but to also focus on the correlation between red and the law. When you first begin the film, you’ll see the flashing of red building lights as the camera pans over downtown Dallas. Soon after you are shown Interviews from both David Harris and Randall Adams. Morris first establishes a link between David Harris and crime when he uses a red light generously in all of David’s interviews. There is always some red no matter what, but he changes the amount whenever David is shown. Morris primes his watchers to associate red with law enforcement as well as crime. This idea grows overtime as the watcher’s knowledge of the case grows and new details are found and explained. As the movie continues you start to pay more attention to things like the flashing red lights of the police cars as they race to the murder scene or the judge who is wearing a red tie in court. The director never mentions the fact that you are supposed to associate the two but he does so, to bring you back to the central idea and allow you to build on your perceptions. As we get deeper into the film Errol uses the Juxtaposition of both Randall and David to show us two different stories that have happened on the same timeline. The viewers get a sense of who each man is and their past behaviors and attitudes.

We quickly find out that David Harris’s behavior is more in line with someone who is capable of the crimes that Randall was convicted of. David has committed a lot of crimes in his teen years and never showed any real remorse for the people he harmed. He speaks as if he is almost proud of what he did, often smirking or smiling. Randall is seen in a different light, literally. He is a man who came to Dallas for work and was happy that he had found a job on the first day. In all of his interviews, he seemed genuine and honest, when he was speaking about serious things, such as the details of the get away car or his long interrogation. You could tell that he saw it as important information. This is a man that has no prior crimes or misdemeanors, and no reason for suspicion so why was he chosen?

Morris uses this Juxtaposition to get the people watching to think deeper, to challenge the story that law enforcement is telling you. He frames the movie in such a way that you are almost forced to ask yourself questions and carry out your own investigation.


1: Hegemony can have a big impact on how we understand American history, Wiam. It’s like when a dominant group holds power and influences the way history is told. This can result in certain narratives being prioritized while others are marginalized or forgotten. For example, the dominant narrative might focus on the achievements of white men, while downplaying the contributions and struggles of marginalized groups like women, people of color, and indigenous communities. Hegemony can shape our understanding of history by promoting a one-sided perspective and excluding diverse voices and experiences. It’s important to challenge this and seek out alternative narratives to get a more comprehensive understanding of American history.

2: Ronald Takaki’s concept of “Foreigners in Their Native Land” is a powerful idea that sheds light on the experiences of marginalized groups in American history. Takaki argues that certain racial and ethnic groups, despite being born and raised in the United States, have often been treated as foreigners in their own homeland. The concept highlights the struggles faced by these groups, who have been subjected to discrimination, exclusion, and marginalization. Takaki explores how Native Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, and other communities have been treated as perpetual outsiders, despite their deep roots in American society. Takaki’s work challenges the notion of a unified American identity and reveals the complexities of multiculturalism within the nation. By examining historical events, policies, and social structures, he uncovers the ways in which these groups have been marginalized and denied full inclusion in the American narrative. Understanding the concept of “Foreigners in Their Native Land” is crucial to Ethnic Studies because it allows us to critically analyze the power dynamics and hierarchies that have shaped American society. It encourages us to question the dominant narratives and uncover the hidden stories of these marginalized communities. By recognizing and acknowledging the experiences of these “foreigners,” we can work towards a more inclusive and equitable understanding of American history. Takaki’s concept invites us to challenge the dominant master narrative and strive for a more comprehensive and accurate portrayal of the diverse voices and experiences that have shaped our nation. Takaki’s concept: marginalized groups treated as foreigners in their homeland. Takaki’s concept of “Foreigners in Their Native Land” explores how marginalized groups, despite being born and raised in the United States, have often been treated as outsiders. This highlights the struggles faced by these communities and challenges the notion of a unified American identity. It’s important for Ethnic Studies to recognize and amplify these voices.


Hegemony influences our understanding of American history by shaping public perception of and interpretation of historical events. For example, European and white American achievements are often emphasized in historical books, downplaying or overlooking the importance of indigenous, African, and Asian peoples in nation building. The experiences of justice and suffering faced by the non-white world are ignored, which devalues their outcome and reinforces the false idea that progress and development were solely the work of white people. In the case of hegemonic power, hegemony refers to a situation in which a small minority (the rich and ruling class) dominates the masses through cultural hegemony. In other words, the class interest of the rich few is sold to everyone else as beneficial to everyone else[Yount5] case studyc (c) Lecture name foreigners in their own land

Takaki explains the concept of the “native land aspect” through the experiences of white peoples in America. It shows how workers of African, American, and Mexican descent worked hard at different points in time, yet were marginalized by distance and racism. This shows how they were co-opted by major economic figures and were not ignored in official historical storytelling.

The accumulation of alternatives or profit through dispossession is normalized and accepted into society through hegemonic forces and authoritarian structures. Force and violence are used to achieve certain goals, such as enslaving workers and stealing indigenous lands. These actions are justified by the leader of the catastrophe and the architecture that considers the ten people as less valuable or not in need of ownership or initiation.

Capitalism falls under the umbrella of economic domination of the upper classes and white racial classes. Frenchism is used as a tool to justify overall economic inequality, as well as to encourage training and division between people based on race or national origin. This leads to disparities in opportunities between people from different backgrounds, and reinforces the dominant role of economic class in society.

“Cotton is king” is a common refrain to describe the growth of the American economy during the 1830s and 1840s. Cotton planters were likely slave owners, and there was no exception in the Deep South. In 1820, the government prohibited slave owners from purchasing more slaves directly from Africa. However, the demand for more cotton production in the 1830s created a new demand for more labor in the Deep South. This led to an increase in the domestic slave trade and the continued practice of domestic slavery breeding. Unit 5 Lecture Name (Strategic Planning for the US Frontier) (Case Study A)

From my own experiences, the experience of refugees and migrants who have had difficulties finding a safe place or job opportunities in their traditional diversity can be used as an example of the global hegemony of capitalism. Refugees and migrants are insured as a growing labor force or as political tools, without regard for their human rights or basic basics. This shows how vulnerable people are ignored and exploited before but authoritarianism does not pursue its own interests.