Based on research and building upon the current event selection from the current

Based on research and building upon the current event selection from the current event analysis (paper attached for reference), students should develop a policy analysis including best practices (8-10 pages). Policy analyses define a policy problem, consider potential alternatives, and make a succinct argument for why one alternative should be preferred. This particular policy analysis will include recommendations and best practices based on your research. Consider also the potential financial costs as well as the political feasibility of your proposal. Policy analyses are also written with a particular audience in mind; include with the policy analysis an executive summary to the intended reader of your proposal. The goal is to change policy and provide guidance and best practices for implementation. The “standard” policy analysis format is as follows:
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (1 page): This should be on a separate page between the title page and the beginning of the brief itself. Summarize the content of the entire brief in one page. The summary should: a. state the problem or issue b. give BRIEF background; c. identify major alternatives; d. state preferred alternative with BRIEF justification
INTRODUCTION and PROBLEM STATEMENT (1 page) This is the introduction to the Brief and the Policy Issue. Identify with clarity and specificity the problem being addressed, with a quick summary of the policy issues at stake and the primary options. (Why is the problem important?)
BACKGROUND: The History of the Policy and Its Context (2 pages) Provide background for the policy. Stakeholders will be concerned with the substance of the debate, but they must also know something about the politics. In particular, they need be aware of goals and objectives that the policy options are supposed to achieve. Page 4
ALTERNATIVE POLICY RESPONSE AND BEST PRACTICES RECOMMENDATIONS (3-4 pages) Briefly discuss the alternative policy under consideration. Examine what other agencies are doing, as well as policy proposals that are emerging. The discussion should be brief, balanced, and should reflect the evidence/data indicating degree of potential utility. In addition to the policy alternative, briefly discuss best practices for implementing the alternative policy. Consider: Under what conditions/processes/infrastructures will the policy likely be most useful?
RECOMMENDATION (1 page) Close the brief with a recommendation that summarizes the preferred policy option. Justify why this option is preferred over the others.
CAUTIONS: Common errors include the following:
Providing description of case events (what happened) rather than analysis of the events—good analysis tells why things happened.
Trying to discuss every single aspect of the policy — it is better to write thoroughly about a few well-defined topics than superficially about many.
Ignoring policy and theory and writing only about opinions — good papers take a set of theoretical ideas and show how those ideas can be applied to some specific aspect of the policy.