Create a campaign proposal for Resolve Philly using the templates attached and t

Create a campaign proposal for Resolve Philly using the templates attached and the direction provided below : regarding a a campaign that highlights the following:

aim is to focus on local stories and build out a short film of Philadelphians specifically in Black and Brown communities, Immigrant communities and why they chose and continue to make Philadelphia their home. As we approach and ramp up programming for the celebration of the nation in 2026, I will partner with Philadelphia 250 and other organizations to support the film and written work. This will also highlight the La Salle community and support via media and recognition. The theme is: The Status of Humanity. My film will be paired with written work and will focus on the challenges these individuals have faced and continue to face, the successes that they have to show that have stemmed in Philadelphia and what makes them connected to other people. I will take a deep dive as to why these neighbors choose to make their communities a greater place to be, what keeps them going, what they are most proud of and what connection to other neighbors looks like to them. Following some of the stories, I will take a look at how similar although different these neighbors are. They may come from different neighborhoods but we are all similar in one way or another. Philadelphia is known as the City of many neighborhoods, but we are cut from similar cloths. With everything that has happened in this country, especially recently with COVID, state of politics and so much – we seem to be disconnected from one another. This film and article will focus on local stories that are hidden, neighbors from different walks of life to share why they chose Philadelphia, what they are most proud of and what they look for in a best friend – that human connection that everyone longs for. I will partner with a set of organizations to amplify this work and submit my written pieces to local press where I have been published before as well. This will also bring attention to the Communications program that I am in. We should be ground zero for everyone in the United States to celebrate its 250th birthday and spotlighting these stories of pride, local change makers, and reminding everyone that the status of humanity is prevalent is critical to have hope that we can overcome anything in our communities and as a city.

1. Overview: Brand Background Establish the Situation

Briefly describe the brand (50-100 words). Then, establish the campaign opportunity (or
challenge) facing the brand (50-100 words). Is the campaign being driven by a current event
(e.g., a specific launch or event)? Is the campaign more ongoing (e.g., awareness of DEI
initiatives, women’s history month)?Analyze the Target Audience
Briefly describe the campaign’s target audience. Who is the campaign intended to engage and
why? The campaign could be for
all of the brand’s followers or a merely segment. Look at your
organization’s industry and competition. What strategies/tactics are working (or not) among
competitors? What recent campaigns have resonated in this industry? You don’t have to provide
an exhaustive analysis for this assignment (although, you would in a real proposal). However, I
want to see that you are aware of your organization’s position and relationship to others—how is
your brand received or perceived by current audiences, potential audiences, and competitors.
2. Campaign Goals, Objectives, and Metrics
Define success—convert your campaign opportunity or challenge into SMART goals and
objectives. In other words, align your campaign goal and objectives with the target audience(s)
and key metrics you will use.Goals
Consider your campaign goal(s). Is your goal focused on:
Awareness (share of voice, tone, sentiment)
Audience (retention rate, lifetime value, audience share of voice, influencer share of voice)
Consideration (engagement, traffic and conversations)

Conversion (costs per lead, sales, conversion rate of sales and leads)
Objectives & KPIs
Objectives clearly state what you want to achieve. They are actionable and measurable. Go back
to Ch 7 and look at the SMART objectives. Your objectives must be specific, measurable,
attainable in the time frame, realistic, and time-bound (p. 183).
You will present your SMART objectives in a table (see the template).
KPI or key performance indicators are the data you will use to see if your strategy is working and
meeting the goals). Review Freberg Ch 7 and 12.3.

Propose and Justify a Two-Platform Strategy

Remember your target audience and then propose which two (2) social platforms you will use and why,

citing course concepts. For example, Freberg (2022) and Hootsuite’s (2024) SMM training have both

discussed the importance of knowing your audiences (plural) and tailoring content to those audiences.

Using these concepts, argue for which platforms are best for your audience. We will focus just on two (2)

platforms, likely a combination of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter/X, and TikTok; consider your audience,

goals, and campaign theme.

📝Write-up: use a table to show the brand’s presence on the platforms: logo, link, brand bio, join date,

current followers. Also, include a paragraph arguing (briefly) why the chosen platforms are best for your

brand (citing Freberg, 2022, and/or Hootsuite, 2024).

4. Develop a Content Strategy

A content strategy provides the overall framework for the campaign, explains the general campaign

theme, and summarizes the content that will be used in each post. This section asks you to provide a “big

picture” view of key content.

Specifically, your content strategy should: (1) explicitly and concisely describe the proposed campaign

content via creation and curation, and (2) give a general plan for the campaign’s beginning, middle and


Things to consider as you develop a plan: (how) will images, photos, videos hashtags, and/or emojis be

used? How will you balance organic and curated content (e.g., how will you create organic content and

where will you find curated content)? How will you keep the audience engaged? For example, a contest,

“ask me anything” (AMA) series, user-generated content, photo contest, hashtags, emojis throughout?

How will you conclude the campaign? It can’t just “stop,” you have to think about how to wrap up (e.g.,

how will contest winners be announced, fans be acknowledged, an announcement be revealed, etc.)

📝Write-up: organize your strategy in several succinct paragraphs. Concisely describe the campaign theme

and content, as well as give an overview of the timeline (beginning, middle, and end). Demonstrate your

understanding of the brand’s voice and audience. Justify your choices using Freberg’s (2022) and

Hootsuite (2024) materials for principles and best practices. See a sample on Canvas.5. Develop a Content Calendar

Use your plan from step 4 to create a content calendar for 5 posting days of campaign content (note: your

campaign may span more than 5 calendar days. For example, if you post content every other day, the

campaign will span 10 calendar days). Your campaign must plan for a minimum of 2 content posts, for

each posting day, per platform. This means, for Platform A, you need 10 unique posts with 10 captions and

for Platform B, you need 10 unique posts with 10 captions = 20 content entries.

Again, the days do not have to be sequential. For example, you might choose to post every other day, so

your campaign would last 10 days with 5 content days. Or, you can do 2 back-to-back days at the

beginning, 1 in the middle and 2 at the end. Five days of content might span just one week, or it could

span into the second week. You might spread these out over one week or two or 10 days. This assignment

represents a sample of the overall content, not necessarily all of it. You just need to justify your choices.

The goal: show that you are conceptualizing 10 unique content ideas/posts for your main platform (image,

video, reel…), and then tailoring two posts per posting day for your other channel. Remember, the

image/video might be the same on both the platforms BUT the caption/tweet/text/emojis on the post will

change. Thus, you’ll write 20 unique captions altogether (but will likely share some video or images).

Each posting day = 4 posts altogether x 5 content days = 20 captions/posts. Two per day on your main

platform, and then two with different captions/posts on another platform.


Assets and Images

Assets are videos, text, graphics, and audio—anything you create or curate or plan to create or use for

content in a campaign. Obviously, you won’t be shooting a video, but you can describe the basic content

and then write the caption/post/tweet. You are not required to have actual images for any of your

content calendar, you will simply describe them. BUT some students like to include some images taken

from the brand’s website to “flavor” the look and feel of the campaign to make it seem more realistic.

(You can look for copyright free images, but for this assignment, you can “borrow” from your brand’s

images already on their social/website).

Remember, you can use the same visual (image/video) for both platforms, but you must change the

captions/text across platforms to use each platform’s features well.

Branding Emojis and Hashtags

Whether you think their fun or dumb emojis add value (Brogden, 2023) to your content. Similarly,

hashtags increase your visibility (SproutSocial, 2023). You should consistently and purposefully use

branding emojis in your campaign content. Consider any emojis that your org uses in real life, but also

consider new ones that align with your campaign [see “5 brands who did emojis right”

(Amruthavarshinii, 2023)]. For this assignment, the majority of your content should use emojis, even if

your brand/org doesn’t use them IRL consistently or strategically.

Link to and Attach Your Content Calendar

Use Google Sheets to organize your content calendar. See student sample here. Embed a link to

your content calendar. Also – please submit a copy of the link or file to the Canvas Assignment

“Comments” section, in case I can’t open the link.

Continued ➡6. Present a Campaign Timeline

Present an overview of the campaign’s general phases or stages. Will it last a week, two weeks? A month?

Longer? Remember that a campaign has a beginning (launch), a middle phase where you must sustain

interest, and an end where you wrap up. For your assignment, the goal is to show your ability to plan for

how long your campaign will run and what will happen at the beginning, maintenance, and conclusion

phases. Note: your content calendar/posts in the previous section may not cover all three phases. That’s

fine. However, for your timeline, you will want to have a high-level plan in place for how the campaign will


📝Write-up: present your timeline as a calendar, a timeline, or use paragraphs to describe the Launch

phase, Middle phase, End phase (use subheadings to make it readable).

7. Estimate Resources Needed

For this assignment, you don’t need provide an actual budget (like you would with a true client). However,

you should consider what resources you will need: people, process, tools, and/or applications (see

Freberg, Ch 13, for examples of “areas to invest”). For example, you might need help with content creation

tools, such as graphic design, or video production tools to create some element of the campaign.

Also, decide if, where, how, and why you will (or won’t) use paid amplification. Use course readings and

resources to justify your choices.

📝Write-up: provide a brief list of resources needed in a bulleted list or table. Make sure to justify your

choices with course readings or other best practices resources.