PART 1 Research Topic Summary & Reflection Papers Objective: STEP 1 Select a mi

Research Topic Summary & Reflection Papers
Select a minority group to research: ethnicity, gender, age, disability, religion, sexual identity, economic or immigration status.
Research topics should idealistically focus on a minority group within the United States but it can compare and contrast how those minorities are treated in other countries as well.
You may use more than one chapter or textbook to conduct your research, this may include lessons and readings from this course’s modules.
Your Midterm paper should relate to the protest signs you will make in part 2 of your Midterm.
Your midterm paper should be detailed, informative, educational, and concise, using only factual data, evidence, and/or statistics relevant to the topic.
Your summary should identify facts on how your minority group has experienced both prejudice and discrimination, using examples from the past and present in order to understand their total discrimination.
Identify how they managed to endure these issues and have become empowered as a people or minority group.
Make sure to include name of important people, organizations, and/or movements that helped overcome these obstacles.
Obtain the facts from the assigned article, film, or from designated or relevant chapter/s of your required readings
Use the full text articles from our campus Library Database: Free Online Resources
Apply at least 5 – 10 key terms to help diagnose or identify the types of prejudices and discrimination associated/ related to the assignment topic.
Students may also use their notes or data/materials used during the course lectures, Canvas pages, discussions, and assignments to obtain facts to complete this assignment.
Your midterm paper must be electronically filed as a Word Document or PDF file