STEP 2 Summary Papers: The objective is to separate Fact from Opinion. “Include

Summary Papers:
The objective is to separate Fact from Opinion. “Include only the Facts: names of people or groups, key terms or definitions used, dates, places, events, results of outcomes, data collected from graphs, tables, or charts. It shouldn’t include the instructor’s, the author’s, or your own personal opinion about the subject matter.
Word Count Requirement: Write a Summary paper between 900 to 1000 words or more.
Students are required to abide by the rubric criteria.
Your Summary should be a detail intellectual description about your topic, using only factual data, evidence, and/or statistics relevant to the topic.
Obtain the facts from the assigned article, film, or from designated or relevant chapter/s of your required readings or online resources from in the campus online Library Database.
Apply the Key terms from either the required and recommended readings to help diagnose or identify the types of prejudices and discrimination associated/ related to the assignment topic.
Students may also use their notes or data/materials used during the course lectures, Canvas pages, discussions, and assignments to obtain facts to complete this assignment.
(-5 to -10) Points deducted if your Summary doesn’t meet the word count required
Research and include 3 images related to your Midterm topic within the same Word or PDF Document
Write a caption for each image; 1 to 2 sentences, describing each image. tables, or graphic.
You may also screenshots images from the article or documentary you watched
Place the caption below the image.
(-5) Points will be deducted if your images or captions are not included.