An individual’s education level may have an impact on how he or she votes. How m

  • An individual’s education level may have an impact on how he or she votes. How might other factors, such as marital status, employment status, religion, and military service, affect a person’s voting behavior?
  • Various levels of voting are associated with different gendered identities within race. In what ways might these patterns affect electoral outcomes? What does this suggest for future voting and electoral outcomes?
  • In what ways do your own political beliefs reflect your identities (race, class, and/or gender), and in what ways do your identities shape your political beliefs?
  • The labor and civil rights movements had a significant impact on identity and political coalitions. What other movements might have significantly influenced political institutions, identities, and outcomes? What does this suggest regarding the stability of political institutions?
  • Identity politics is a highly effective organizational tool, but identity movements can become focused on single issues. How might concentration on single issues and single identities serve not only to marginalize, but also to limit the effectiveness of a social movement?
  • The future belongs to all of us. Each generation, from oldest to youngest, has a stake in how well the political process operates. How might you, even at this point, become more involved in politics? What can you do within your institution or in the wider community to help support positive change?

Your initial post should be at least 500 words in length.