Here is the criteria: – 6 pages in length, should focus on a clear question abou

Here is the criteria:
– 6 pages in length, should focus on a clear question about economics and some aspects of the materials covered in class: Capitalism, Markets, Climate, Healthcare, Work/Wages, Inequality, GDP, Finanical Crisis…
– Use at least one data source (for example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics at, the Census Bureau at, the Bureau of Economic Analysis at and the paper should include at least one table or chart.
And will be graded on the following criteria below
– You have formulated a clear question. 
– Your paper answers the question and draws a clear conclusion. 
– You make good use of sources and quotations to support points and show the current state of discussion/debate on your topic. 
– The quality of your writing is high, consistent with being a student. 
– Your paper is well organized, so that a reader can easily follow your logic and research. 
– You use data to support conclusions. 
– You use reliable, high-quality sources of information. 
– You use at least three sources outside of the assigned readings. 
– You also include at least one table or chart using data to support points.
Would love to have it in this order: Introduction, Background, 3 middle paragraphs (including the things needed from the criteria), then conclusion that leaves the audience thinking about the discussion. 
Below is a recent example of my writing. Please make it similar writing style. 
At the end, I would have to do a presentation. Having some important points noted would be highly apprepriated for my slides.