Name of Scientist(s): Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton, and Charles M. Rice Name of Nobel Prize Award and Year it Was Awarded: Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2020 Nobel Prize Catchphrase:

Instructions: The Nobel Prizes are widely regarded as
the most prestigious awards given for intellectual achievement in the world.
You will be researching the life and achievements of a Nobel Prize winner or
group of Nobel Prize winners in the field of Physiology or Medicine. Please choose a Nobel Prize award in the
category of Physiology or Medicine
from the following link:
For example: The Nobel Prize of 2020
in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Harvey J.
Alter, Michael
Houghton and Charles M.
Rice for “the discovery of the Hepatitis C Virus.” If
you choose a Nobel Prize award that was given to two or more scientists,
please include them ALL in the table below.
fill in the table below.  PLEASE
Points Possible: Up to 5 extra credits points may be earned
for this assignment.
Sections and
their Descriptions
of Scientist(s):
This section can include:
When and where the scientist(s)
were born.
The scientist or scientists’
education and schooling history.
Any notable skills, talents, or
accomplishments the scientist(s) achieved PRIOR
to their nomination and acceptance of Nobel Prize award.
Significance or Relevance of the Nobel Prize Award in Medicine:
This section can include:
The research process, including
any challenges faced by the scientist(s).
How the achievement contributed to
the field of medicine.
The significance or relevance of
the achievement to the global community.
Your Thoughts
on the Achievement:
This section can include:
Any personal connections or
opinions regarding the chosen accomplishment.
Any ideas for future studies and
next steps.
Any other relevant feedback.
Please include 3 resources In APA
format – 7th edition.
Name of Scientist(s):
Name of Nobel Prize Award
and Year it Was Awarded:
Nobel Prize Catchphrase (1 sentence to summarize the entire experiment):
Example: Feel the
Beat of DNA in Jumping Genes!
of Scientist(s) (1-2 paragraphs):
adding more information if there is more than one scientist that won the
The Significance or
Relevance of this Nobel Prize in Medicine (1 paragraph):
Your Thoughts on the
Achievement (1 paragraph):
References (please
include 3 in APA format – 7th edition):

The post Name of Scientist(s): Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton, and Charles M. Rice
Name of Nobel Prize Award and Year it Was Awarded: Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2020
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