The Medicinal Value and Effects of Cannabis on Brain Functioning: An Evaluation of Evidence and a Position on Medical and Recreational Use

Select and read one of the following articles for this week’s Discussion: 
Kroon, E., Kuhns, L., Hoch, E., & Cousijn, J. (2020). Heavy cannabis use, dependence and the brain: A clinical perspectiveLinks to an external site.. Addiction, 115(3), 559–572.
Lees, B., Debenham, J., & Squeglia, L. M. (2021). Alcohol and cannabis use and the developing brainLinks to an external site.. Alcohol Research : Current Reviews, 41(1), 11.
Ramaekers, J. G., Mason, N. L., Toennes, S. W., Theunissen, E. L. & Amico, E. (2022). Functional brain connectomes reflect acute and chronic cannabis useLinks to an external site.. Scientific Reports, 12(1), Article 2449.  
Sehl, H., Terrett, G., Greenwood, L.-M., Kowalczyk, M., Thomson, H., Poudel, G., Manning, V., & Lorenzetti, V. (2021). Patterns of brain function associated with cannabis cue-reactivity in regular cannabis users: A systematic review of fMRI studiesLinks to an external site.. Psychopharmacology, 238(10), 2709–2728.  
Waissengrin, B., Leshem, Y., Taya, M., Meiri, D., Merimsky, O., Shamai, S., Wolf, I., & Rubinek, T. (2023). The use of medical cannabis concomitantly with immune checkpoint inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer: A sigh of relief?Links to an external site. European Journal of Cancer, 180, 52–61.
To prepare:
Review the Learning Resources for this Discussion. 
Assess your positions, and your justifications for those positions, on the following:
The medicinal value of cannabis 
The addictive properties of cannabis 
How cannabis affects the brain 
Select and read one of the articles about cannabis from the Cannabis Article Choices in the Learning Resources to inform your post. 
Select at least two of the issues below for your post:
1. Therapeutic Properties
Evaluate the evidence for and against the pain relief and other medicinal or therapeutic properties of cannabis. 
2. Addiction Considerations
Evaluate the evidence for and against whether the changes that cannabis produces on neurophysiology and brain functioning can produce addiction and how addiction to cannabis compares to addiction to other drugs. 
3. Cognitive Considerations
Evaluate the evidence for and against how cannabis affects neurophysiology and brain functioning and how these alterations may impact cognitive processes such as memory, learning, and intelligence. 
4. Effects on Brain Development
Evaluate the evidence for and against the effects of cannabis on brain development.
Note: The arguments you make should focus on the neurobiological effects of cannabis rather than any legal, religious, or moral arguments.
Post the following:
In the first line of your post, state which two issues you selected. 
Explain your evaluation of the evidence for and against each of the issues you selected. 
State and support your position regarding the use of cannabis for medical and recreational use.
Note: Your initial response should be substantive and supported with scholarly evidence from your research and/or the Learning Resources and properly cited in APA format. You may state your opinion and/or provide personal examples; however, you must also back up your assertions with evidence, including in-text citation(s) and reference(s) in APA style. 

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