Title: Cultural Relativism in Anthropology: Understanding and Critiquing the Concept

-The first link has the instructions on how to write the essay, on another download I gave you is the rough draft of how the essay looks like so far. and another downlod is filled with crituges on what to change and what to add to make it better. 
-Make sure to answer all questions
-Make sure to site the sources CORRECTLY like stated in the first download I sent you
– Resoures youtube videos will be found in the download named Critques to fix in Essay
*DO NOT minimally use the sources, the instructions warn you NOT to: cite the souse only once.* So you should strengthen what you use of these sources before you submit it to me 
.-ONLY read and cite from CHAPTER 4, 5, 14, 7, and 9 from the textbook “Perspectives: An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, 2nd Edition” ( https://pressbooks.pub/perspectives/  )
-The youtube, textbook, and article links/downloads that I have provided you MUST be the refrences you use in the essay.

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