Trace the evolution of media effects research from Lippmann to the present day.

Trace the evolution of media effects research from Lippmann to the present day. Identify and discuss the key paradigms that have emerged throughout this history, emphasizing what differentiates one from another, as well as what has remained constant. Analyze how these paradigms have shaped our understanding of the relationship between media and its audiences. In your essay, consider the social, political, technological, and methodological factors that have influenced these shifts in media effects theories and research. Conclude by providing a thorough evaluation of the current state of media studies research and the implications of the ‘current state’ for future studies in the field.  please provide APA style in-text citations throughout, and especially when paraphrasing or quoting. You do not need to provide a references section (but you are certainly welcome to do so) unless you rely on outside sources, in which case you must provide a references section that at a minimum includes the full reference for any / all outside materials (even then, you don’t need to provide the full references to course materials, but you are certainly welcome to do so).