Activity Description: Create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) script aimed at

Activity Description:
Create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) script aimed at promoting the importance and value of Ethnic Studies to a general audience. Your PSA should be concise, engaging, and informative, using only the content provided in the unit to support your message.
Alongside the script, submit a written justification that explains the choices you made in your PSA and how they are supported by the unit content.
Purpose of a PSA:
A Public Service Announcement (PSA) is a message designed to raise awareness about an issue and influence public attitudes and behavior towards a more informed and proactive stance. PSAs are typically short, powerful, and meant to reach a wide audience with clear and impactful messages. They are valuable educational tools because they distill complex information into accessible and actionable insights that can prompt societal change.
Evidence Requirements for the PSA Script:
Key Definitions: Incorporate a clear and succinct definition of Ethnic Studies and its purpose as presented in the Unit.
Interdisciplinary Nature: Highlight the interdisciplinary approach of Ethnic Studies and its relevance in understanding societal issues as presented in the Unit.
Geohistorical Impact: Mention the significance of geohistorical macroscales in shaping our understanding of historical and current societal dynamics as presented in the Unit.
Call to Action: End with a compelling call to action that encourages further engagement with Ethnic Studies.
Written Justification Instructions (click or tap to reveal)
UnGrading Criteria (click or tap to reveal)
Checklist to Meet Criteria (click or tap to reveal)
UnGrading Reminder:
This assignment utilizes the UnGrading framework to focus on substantive feedback and learning improvement. You will receive comments on how well your PSA script communicates the essence of Ethnic Studies and how effectively your justification supports the script choices. After reviewing the feedback, you will have the opportunity to revise both your script and justification, applying insights from the feedback to refine your message and enhance the educational impact of your PSA. This process is designed to help you develop both your understanding of Ethnic Studies and your ability to communicate its value to others.