“Applying Key Concepts from Cognitive and Psychological Aspects of Healthy Aging to a Career in Behavioral Health and Forensic Psychology”

Identifying 3 topics in the course that have left an impression, in respect to my career track. Explain.   how the topics learned can be applied as you move forward in your career.
– So I am working in behavioral health, as a direct care provider. I will be entering forensic psychology soon after. This class, named “Cognitive and Psychological Aspects of Healthy Aging”, went into depth on 5 topics, but 3 that I find relative to my field are: 
1) aging trajectories, risk factors, and multimodal assessments of cognitive function and brain aging
2)structural and functional changes in healthy aging
3) modifiable risk factors
I will insert PDFs/Powerpoints of these 3 topics. Please look through them to identify key terms/subtopics. The teacher usually reads off these powerpoints so it should be fairly clear. 

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