Exploring the Evolution of Pop Rock Music: From Its Origins to Modern Day Success

This is where you will submit the brief (700 words) written component of your final project. (This assignment description has 232 words, so you can see that your paper will be brief.)
Please select a classical composer, performer, instrument, or genre (like opera, the concerto, the symphony, art song, etc.) and research and write about what you discover. This brief paper is to help prepare you for your video presentation that will be on the same topic. 
Written document:
50 points: Mechanics: spelling, grammar, punctuation, no run-on or incomplete sentences
50 points: Minimum length of 700 words observed (more is fine)
100 points: Content: quality and depth of information; clear explanation, organized thought, citations given to any outside sources (not to be used in word count, and a single citation is NOT to be placed at the end of the essay—this does not cover the law. Cite anything that is not your own original thought or idea.)
Resources for written assignments:
Word count tool: https://wordcount.com/
Our library is a great place to begin your research! You can chat with research librarians online or by phone who can help you find the resources you need.
I have found this source to be very helpful in knowing how to cite your sources and do your bibliographies
http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/01/Links to an external site.  
Research topics: 
The rise of the pop rock genre  
Please read all the direction  listed here: text “pop” to me in chat and i know you read everything 

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