For your final you are creating a mini research project and presenting on it. Yo

For your final you are creating a mini research project and presenting on it. Your presentation will be recorded and submitted to me. In addition you will turn in a 2 page write up. 
Presentation Criteria:
Topic – People who eat out and servers in the restaurant industry
Length – 10 – 20 minutes 
Style – Oral presentation, PowerPoint, Audio, Prezi, Whatever you would like! 
Presentation Outline – Topics to Cover
Sections to Cover Points Questions to answer but not limited to these questions only. 
Introduction 5 What community/culture did you choose? Why did you choose this culture/community? Context to the culture/community
Research Question 5 What question were you looking to answer? What did you want to know about the culture/community you chose? 
Class Topic Focus & Theory  20
What lens are you viewing/learning things from, about why people behave the way they do? 
Topic Examples: Gender & Sexuality, Religion, Family & Marriage, Performance, Visual Anthropology, Language & Culture, Subsistence, Economics, Political, Race & Ethnicity, Globalization, Health & Medicine 
Examples of Theories: Google search anthropological theoriesLinks to an external site., another website hereLinks to an external site..
Feminism (Gender & Sexuality)
Decolonization (Indigenous Perspectives)
*can pick more than two for Class Topic and Theory if you want. 
Literature Review 10
What other research in anthropology has been done that is related to your topic? must cite 5 and it must be a creditable source. Must be a scientific article. 
Google ScholarLinks to an external site.
AnthrosourceLinks to an external site.
Reflexivity 10 What is you positionality? Did you have an Etic/Emic perspective?, Did you have any ethical considerations? What are your biases (we all have them)? What were your challenges? 
Research Methods 20 Did you do an interview, survey, or focus group? How did you get people to sign up? How did you ask your questions? Did you record anything? Did you take notes? 
Analysis  5 How did you analysis your data? How did you organize your notes? did you transcribe anything? 
Results 50 What patterns/behaviors did you find? Did you answer your research question? Explain, Explain, Explain!! 
Conclusion  5 What did you learn? What further questions would you want to research in the future?