Hello — please put together the final research paper based of the Professors co

Hello — please put together the final research paper based of the Professors comments on the Draft Paper. All materials are attached here. However, if anything is missing, please let me know immediately.

Professor’s Comments regarding my draft paper:

Put the abstract first, remember to write out the hypothesis statements Ho and Ha You provided a table but also write them under the table. Add the sample n, the method, the Likert Scale and the most impressive results of the study in the abstract section, limiting it to 300 words. You have provided some factual data in the problem statement but you are missing citations in support of the data. Add them Your discussion of the variables on from page 12 requires consistent citations since it is an academic paper. Add them. Each variable must have a minimum of two academic journals and the Y variable must have three citations. Now that you have completed the paper change the entire paper to the past tense. Citations are missing on Page 17.Check to make sure that you have adequately cited your sources. Include a figure to show the associations between the theory and the variable in your study. Remember to use the n any time you are referring to your sample. You have placed the hypotheses under the wrong heading on page 38. Move it under the research questions instead. Each definition of term must have a citation. Add them. When you define terms you must provide citations. Copy and pate the entire survey under the survey section of the paper. You must clearly identify which variables in your linear regression output are significant and which ones are not significant. X2, X6 are the only variables that are significant in your study. Your linear regression reflects some very strong results. Develop a regression table to showcase the results. Revise the conclusion table to include the research questions, the qualitative data and your quantitative results to answer the research questions with the data. Some edits needed. Check the work for grammatical errors and edit the work accordingly.