I need this divided and labelled by section.  the topic is introduction to psych

I need this divided and labelled by section.  the topic is introduction to psychology 
Assignment: Learning Self-Assessment and Resource Analysis
Objective: This assignment aims to conduct a thorough self-assessment of your learning experiences and critically analyze the resources you identified during the process. By reflecting on what you’ve learned, identifying resources, and evaluating their utility, you will gain valuable insights into your learning journey and enhance your ability to leverage resources effectively.
Instructions: Your best strategy for earning points on this assignment is to copy and paste each section into a MS Word document, then typing your responses directly beneath each prompt (SEE THE EXAMPLE IN SECTION 1). Follow this format throughout your paper. That way it will be clear to me that you have responded to all the questions, and you will be able to tell whether you have left anything out. Be thorough, and use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughout.
Section 1: Learning Reflection
Begin by reflecting on your recent learning experiences. Consider Key concepts or skills you’ve acquired.
Challenges faced during the learning process.
Moments of success and personal growth.
Section 2: Identifying Resources
List the resources you utilized during your learning experiences. These may include textbooks, online articles, videos, peer discussions, or other materials relevant to your studies.
Section 3: Critical Analysis
Provide a critical analysis of each resource identified. Assess the credibility and reliability of the sources.
Evaluate the relevance of each resource to your learning objectives.
Discuss how each resource contributed to your understanding and application of the subject matter.
Section 4: Usefulness of Information
Reflect on the overall usefulness of the information obtained from the identified resources. Consider how well the resources addressed your learning needs.
Any gaps or limitations in the information provided.
Whether the resources enhanced your comprehension and skill acquisition.
Section 5: Learning Process Description
Provide a step-by-step description of the process you used to complete this assignment. Include how you approached the self-assessment of your learning experiences.
The criteria you used to select and evaluate resources.
Any challenges encountered and how you addressed them.
Section 6: Application of Learning
Discuss how you can apply the self-assessment and resource analysis insights to future learning endeavors.
Propose strategies for optimizing the use of resources in upcoming academic activities.
Section 7: Conclusion
Summarize your key learnings from the self-assessment and resource analysis.
Reflect on how this process has informed your understanding of effective learning practices and resource utilization.
Section 8: Design Statement per the examples in your syllabus
Submission Guidelines:
Present the assignment in a well-organized format with clear headings for each section.
Include specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your reflections and analysis.
Ensure that the critical analysis includes an assessment of the reliability, relevance, and impact of each resource.
The step-by-step description should be detailed and provide insights into your decision-making process.
Cite and reference your sources appropriately.
Submit the assignment by the specified deadline.
This assignment encourages self-reflection and develops your skills in identifying, evaluating, and utilizing resources effectively. Approach it with an open mind, be thorough in your analysis, and consider it a valuable exercise in enhancing your learning capabilities.