Instructions: Select a biopsychosocial issue/developmental challenge and one of

Instructions: Select a biopsychosocial issue/developmental challenge and one of the life course phases from infancy through older adulthood (i.e. friendship development in middle childhood, adolescent parenthood; body image in middle adulthood; sexuality in later life; elder abuse; grandparents raising grandchildren; coming out in young adulthood; balancing work and family in young or middle adulthood). Some topics may lend themselves to addressing more than one life course phase (i.e. intergenerational relationships within a specific population). DSM-5-TR diagnostic categories or symptoms may not be chosen as a topic. You are to research the topic in at least two ways:
1) Interview three people who have specialized knowledge in the area you have chosen, at least one of which has experienced or is experiencing the issue you are exploring. (For example, drawing on the topics above, include at least one child in middle childhood when focusing on friendship development in middle childhood or include at least one individual in middle adulthood when focusing on body image in middle adulthood. If your life course phase is infancy, toddlerhood, or early childhood, you could interview a caregiver instead.)  You may also interview human service providers with experience in your chosen topic area. In your paper, preconceptions you had on your topic prior to the interviews and whether they were confirmed should be discussed as well as any surprising information obtained.
2) Research the topic using the professional literature. You should include a minimum of 3 articles from professional journals or book chapters beyond the required reading. Peer reviewed e-journals found in the Touro College Libraries databasesare appropriate for this assignment but not Wikipedia or other internet sites. (You may also reference the required reading.)
In your paper, discuss 1) the characteristics of the life course phase and 2) the nature and impact of the biopsychosocial issue/developmental challenge. Relevant factors at multiple systems levels should be addressed (i.e. individual, family, organizational, and community factors, as well as political, economic, and ideological factors).