Instructions: Process Checkpoint: Control Chart Module 7 Process Checkpoint: Con

Process Checkpoint: Control Chart
Module 7 Process Checkpoint: Control Chart
An analyst has been diligently collecting data on the number of discharges for one of our hospital’s departments. We have now reached the stage where we need to analyze and interpret this data to identify any variances. With this in mind, please refer to the attached file for the necessary information. Download refer to the attached file for the necessary information. 
Your task is to calculate various statistical metrics such as the mean, standard deviation, upper control limit (UCL), and lower control limit (LCL) based on the provided data. Once these calculations are complete, please visually represent the results using a control chart. 
Furthermore, please provide your observations regarding any trends or variations that stand out from the data. Your insights and comments on these aspects will be valuable in identifying potential areas for improvement within the department. 
Resources to read if needed.
Kumar, B., Mosher, H., Farag, A., & Swee, M. (2023). How can we champion diversity, equity and inclusion within Lean Six Sigma? Practical suggestions for quality improvement. BMJ Quality & Safety, 32(5), 296-300.
ASQ. (n.d.). The Control Chart.Links to an external site.
Banerjee, A., Jadhav, S. L., & Bhawalkar, J. S. (2009). Probability, clinical decision making and hypothesis testing. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 18(1), 64-69.
Math Goodies. (n.d.). Dependent Events.Links to an external site.
Six Sigma Council. (2018). Six Sigma: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide.Links to an external site.
Khan Academy. (n.d.). Probability: The basics.Links to an external site. Khan Academy. 
Krousel-Wood, M., Chambers, R., Muntner, P. (2006). Clinicians’ Guide to Statistics for Medical Practice and Research: Part I. Links to an external site.The Ochsner Journal, 6(2): 68-83.
Choosing a Good Chart. Download Choosing a Good Chart.(Note: if you are using assistive technology in this course, you may be unable to access this document. Please reach out to AccessibleNU for assistance.)
Muelaner, J. (2020). 7 Basic Tools of Quality.Links to an external site.
Please review slides 23-29, 71, and 75-77 on SPC rules: what are they and what do they tell you? in NHS Improvement (2019) Making data count: Getting started.Links to an external site.
Graban, M. (2018). React Less and Improve More by Using SPC More Effectively.Links to an external site. Lean Enterprise Institute.Links to an external site.