Scenario: You, your spouse, and your two siblings and their spouses need to get

Scenario: You, your spouse, and your two siblings and their spouses need to get away as you all have extremely high-pressure jobs. To really get away from technology, cell phones, etc., you rent an island home with access to an all-terrain vehicle from Rene (who owns the island). The island is only accessed by a small plane 45 minutes away from the mainland, and it is rented for one month. The rent is prepaid. The small plane will come back in exactly one month to pick you up. You have all the groceries you need for one month, which came on your flight over. The house is located on a steep cliff overlooking the ocean and receives water through a cistern (an open storage cement box open to the rain) on the roof, which is then filtered. After two days there, the six of you realize that the house has almost no water left, but you all agree you want to stay. The island has three other homes owned by Rene, which all are vacant right now, but there is no town. You have a landline phone that communicates with the small landing strip station where they only speak French, which none of you speak.
Explain creative and critical thinking and why they are important to the team.
Differentiate between divergent and convergent thinking.
Assist the team in designing a process using creative and critical thinking to resolve the team’s problem.
Provide at least three (3) different ways to enhance group creativity.
Provide at least three (3) ways to enhance critical thinking in groups.
Explain five (5) common fallacies in reasoning.
Explain how to avoid groupthink.
Work should demonstrate:
The synthesis of concepts, research, and experience
Problem-solving abilities
Business decision-making abilities