Title: “Exploring the Human Experience: A Journey Through Artistic Movements” Introduction: The human experience is a complex and ever-evolving concept that has been explored and depicted through various art forms throughout history. From the Renaissance to the present

What Should I Be Doing?
Select a theme for your exhibition
Find ten works of art that work well with your theme and that come from at least five different artistic movements we have studied (for instance, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo and so forth)
Write and post your exhibition 
2. Research:
– Research your theme.
– Select and research the works of art you will be using.
3. Assignment – Final Project (40 points): 
I would like you to create a virtual art exhibition on a theme of your choice.
Select ten works of art that not only work well with your theme but that are also from at least five different stylistic movements that we have learned about thus far.
You will to write an introduction (explain your theme) and conclusion as well as a paragraph for each of the works of art in your exhibition explaining how it ties in with your theme.
You may be as creative as you wish in terms of the presentation of your final work.

The post Title: “Exploring the Human Experience: A Journey Through Artistic Movements”

The human experience is a complex and ever-evolving concept that has been explored and depicted through various art forms throughout history. From the Renaissance to the present appeared first on get essay fast.