Title: The Impact of Gender Stereotypes in Advertising on Consumer Societies

Word count: 2500 words. NB: You MUST adhere to the word limit – failure to do so will result in penalties. 
Due date: 3 June 2024.
As outlined in the instructions for the essay proposal, this research paper involves building a complex understanding of a particular aspect of gender, media and/or consumer societies covered in the unit.
Your research will essay plan will have been articulated in your research essay proposal. You should make sure you incorporate your tutor’s feedback as you develop your research essay.
You should not be using the same case studies or debates as in your previous assignments and you will be penalised if you do so.
The key point here is RESEARCH: The research essay itself will be marked on the level of research you have undertaken and the ways in which you use it help make a persuasive argument. Your argument must be clearly articulated and supported by evidence from primary and secondary sources.
Set course readings, as well as those discussed in lectures, can be drawn upon to help build your argument but your emphasis should be on finding relevant secondary material – academic journal articles, book chapters, and books – to put in dialogue with the primary material that you are analysing.
You may use any referencing style as long as it consistent. All material from sources must be appropriately referenced. If you are unsure about referencing practices, please consult the following: https://www.sydney.edu.au/students/writing/referencing.html.
Please double space your essays and use a 12 pt font.

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