Competitor Landscape Analysis for Kohl’s and Its Competitors

Brand : Kohl’s Competitors : Macy’s, Dillards, Nordstrom Example attached Assignment instructions : Students will now research the competitor landscape for the case study retailer based on the 3 competitors selected in HW#1. To fully understand the some of the challenges that the retailer faces from their competitors, comparing and contrasting the key areas of their businesses will define the similarities and differences. Students will identify for the case study retailer and each of the competitors their target market, product/service categories, price points, distribution methods to the consumer, loyalty programs/promotional strategies, and best practices that makes each retailer unique. Here are 2 examples Download 2 examplesof how to layout your competitor landscape in the required headings and format as listed below. Utilizing excel for the chart is recommended but not required. Please note – these are both edited for the purposes of the final pitch deck slide. The amount of details/examples will be greater for your assignment. You will extract the most important details/examples when you edit for your final pitch deck.
In a chart format similar to the examples provided, the following heading topics should be identified
Define target customer – demographics and psychographics – key points.
Dominant product categories (and/or services for sale) – detailed information includes types of products, major brand names (private or wholesale)
Price includes price ranges for dominant product categories (and/or services) – line up the price ranges with the product categories to connect with each dominant category
Distribution (where customers can purchase products) – indicates how and where product is received by the customer including an omni-channel effort if appropriate. List physical store types, online, mobile, curbside, BOPIS, digital marketplace, social media connections to purchase
Promotional Strategies (Tools to keep the customer engaged including all marketing efforts) – identify dominant strategies in terms of both traditional and non-traditional methods of attracting customers – strategies to get the customer to shop – special events, sales, SMS texts, emails, and loyalty programs including frequent shopper programs and exclusives.
Best practices – key strategies that separate each of the retailers from each other to give them a competitive edge. Include use of technology such as data analytics (AI) or use of AR, etc.
The content should be presented in a chart format that clearly identifies the similarities and differences. Make sure to in-text cite any statistics or direct quotes. Please include a works cited of resources used for this assignment.
The weekly Assignment master rubric is attached below. Please take a look at how this assignment will be assessed based on the required criteria. Your graded weekly assignments will be returned to the related Canvas assignment site with comments for possible revisions along with the graded master Assignment rubric. Please keep in mind that the content developed in each assignment will be transformed, extracted, or used as is to complete the final pitch deck to be presented and submitted on the last day of class.

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