Economic Regulation, Route Authority, and Fleet Composition at Qatar Airways: A Comparative Analysis

Writer, this is a group project. I am tasked with writing section IV. Economic Regulation and Route Authority and V. Fleet Composition: Owned vs. Leased Aircraft. Below is a more detailed breakdown of sections IV and V with corresponding References. PLEASE ADD ONE SCHOLARLY REFERENCE FOR EACH SECTION! IV. Economic Regulation and Route Authority • Regulatory authority for economic aspects and route management
• Impact on routes, rates, and other operational aspects
• Reference: Qatar Airways: building a global brand by Abdulla Hamad, M. F., Al-Kwifi, O., Ahmed, Z. U., & Dang, K. T. (2021) in the Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, V. Fleet Composition: Owned vs. Leased Aircraft
• Analysis of the extent to which the fleet consists of owned versus leased aircraft
• Reference: Qatar Airways Group. (2024). Qatar Airways Fleet. NOTE: Attached is the Word Document titled “Qatar Airwars Research Paper”. When you write the 3 pages, insert your writing into the highlighted sections IV and V. Please add new references in proper APA7 format in alphabetical order where appropriate.

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