Final Paper INSTRUCTIONS: Development of Gender and Sexual Values, Attitudes and

Final Paper INSTRUCTIONS: Development of Gender and Sexual Values,
Attitudes and Beliefs
For this paper you will clearly articulate your values, attitudes and beliefs about a variety of
topics, and then describe the positive and negative experiences that have directly or indirectly
influenced the formation of them.
Please choose a minimum of five topics from among the following, and organize your papers
using your choices as subheadings:
 Premarital sex
 Same-sex relationships
 Transgenderism
 Gay adoptions
 Contraception / Protection
 Abortion
 Masturbation
 Extra-relational sex (i.e., “affairs”)
 Pornography
 Commercial sex (i.e., prostitution)
 Safer sex education – Abstinence education
 Treatment vs. punishment of sex offenders
 Male and female roles –traditional vs. egalitarian
 Fetishes or unusual sexual interests
 Another sex or gender-related topic that is important to you
A number of factors may have influenced the development of your thinking about these topics;
examples include the following:
 Religious upbringing
 Educational experiences/teachers
 Peers or friends
 The media (music, TV, magazines, movies, etc.)
 Parents and family (involvement, education, family life)
 Cultural or ethnic background
 Social experiences
 Other experiences that have been important to you
Be sure to include your age, culture, the number and sex of the children in your family of origin,
where you are in the birth order, and your parents’ marital status. Give your paper an
interesting title that reflects its content. Do not just write a chronology of your life… you need
to describe your gender and sexual attitudes, beliefs, and values and specifically how they came
to be that way.
Assignment: Write 4-5 pages reflection paper (not including reference). The paper must
conform to the Requirements for the submission of written work found in the course syllabus.
The reflection paper is to be completed individually; you may NOT work collaboratively on this
Due Date on Blackboard. Submit the assignment through assigned box on Blackboard by the
due date/time. This assessment is worth 20 points of your final grade and grading will be based
on how closely your assignment meets the instructions of the assign