“Navigating the Intersection of Personal Data Protection and Artificial Intelligence: Addressing Ethical Concerns and Legal Challenges”

1. The word limit for the research essay is 6,000 words.
a. Footnotes are included in the word limit. You may prefer to include more
footnotes but hope that they would be excluded from the word limit. If that
is the case, please highlight them in red to show that those would be extra
footnotes that are not included in the word limit.
b. Feel free to use any citation format as you see fit.
2. Your essay should have two sections. Each section should have a title indicating
your research topic.
a. They should deal with two specific issues chosen out of the three research
areas: personal data protection, legal regulation of algorithms, and
artificial intelligence and copyright.
b. For example, if your first session deals with a specific issue concerning
personal data protection, your section should deal with a specific issue
concerning legal regulation of algorithms OR artificial intelligence and
intellectual property.
c. We have discussed a range of specific research issues in our class. You
may write about one for each research area.
d. But you should feel free to write about any specific issue that we did not
discuss in class.
3. Please provide a word count at the end of your essay.

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