Task for the Writer: Utilize the outline of this paper to type a paper draft. I

Task for the Writer: Utilize the outline of this paper to type a
paper draft. I included the research question below. You are only typing about 3- 3.5 page draft based on the information below. This paper is about revenue distribution
disparities within the NCAA. Each section should highlight the bullet points
indicated what articles to use for each section. ONLY Use the sources attached. APA 7 edition format 
The paper should have 6 sections in addition to a reference page. Provide
a paper overview aswell.
I. Introduction
of the NCAA and its role in college athletics (refer to flint 2022
o   Discuss when it was established, how many
conferences, institutions and  and sports
are involved.
of examining NCAA distribution reports
·       According to the NCAA membership
directory data, Within Division there are 360 schools in division 1 women’s basketball.
(Source: https://www.ncaa.org/sports/2021/5/3/membership-directory.aspx)
·       Research Question: In what ways does the NCAA’s revenue
distribution exacerbate financial inequalities for female athletes, and what
actionable strategies might effectively mitigate these gender-based
·       Purpose of the paper and outline of
key sections
II. Background on NCAA Revenue
Distribution [literature review 3 paragraphs] Hoffer reading might be valuable for this section 
of how the NCAA generates revenue (limited articles: https://www.ncaa.org/sports/2021/5/4/finances.aspx,
·       Overview of the NCAA’s revenue
distribution model
of the types of revenue distributed by the NCAA (2019 Report NCAA)
III. Methodology [one
of the data sources used for the review (NCAA Revenue-Distribution Reports from
2022, 2023 and 2024).
of the criteria for selecting relevant reports and data points;These two
reports were specifically utilized based on the limited availability of
financial documents regarding revenue distribution and income on the NCAA website.
·       Discussion of any limitations or
caveats associated with the data analysis: Limitations: This study is
only examining revenue distribution within the NCAA’s distribution fund plan.
The study is solely focused on the NCAA’s revenue distribution plan for Division
I athletes and does not discuss revenue disparities among other divisions.
Analysis of NCAA Distribution Reports
In 2022, 2023 and 2024 the NCAA’s Division I
Revenue Distribution plan consisted of distributing money among nine different
funds tailored to assisting student athletes through various ways.
·       NCAA 2024 Report: The NCAA Scheduled
to distribute over $170 million ($171,242,775 to be exact) to the Basketball Performance Fund throughout
the month of April (Source: NCAA 2024 Revenue Distribution Plan)  According to the NCAA’s Division I Revenue
distribution plan, the basketball performance fund is exclusively for male
athletics “…based on their performance in the Division I Men’s Basketball Championship
over a six-year rolling period” (NCAA Report 2024, p. 8).
2022 Report reveleas how 27% if the revenue distribution went to a fund solely
for male athletes, further incentivizing division 1 male basketball athletes
for their performance. Women athletes are not incentivized for their
performance through a specialized fund.
NCAA 2023 Report reveals how the NCAA distributed 27% of its total revenue to
the basketball performance fund. Type an analysis of what this inequity means
and how the charts within the NCAA revenue distribution plan can be read.
of key findings regarding revenue distribution patterns
of any trends or changes in revenue distribution over time
VII. Conclusion
of key findings from the review of NCAA distribution reports
on the significance of understanding revenue distribution within the NCAA
for future research directions or areas of inquiry