Title: Analyzing a Historical Source: “The Feminine Ideal in the 1950s” 1) Key elements of the source: – The source is an article titled “The Feminine Ideal in the 1950s” written

read the attached article and discuss the following.
1) Describe key elements of the source (who created it? When? What was happening at that time? For what audience? Key phrases/statements/images?)
2) How does this source relate to larger contexts we’ve been reading about/discussing? (example: ora washington, the disapproval of women’s athletics because it was unladylike and “masculine”) and What does it help us understand?

The post Title: Analyzing a Historical Source: “The Feminine Ideal in the 1950s”

1) Key elements of the source:
– The source is an article titled “The Feminine Ideal in the 1950s” written appeared first on get essay fast.