Title: Succession Management and Leadership Challenges: A Case Study of Leadshare and Other Organizations

As outlined on the unit “How you will be assessed” page, this task requires you to write a report (maximum 2,500 words excluding title page, references and appendix) that will contribute up to 40% of your final grade for this unit. Your report will be marked using the Case Study Rubric.
Before you begin, you should:
Watch the video review of this assignment at the bottom of the page.
Complete the unit learning activities up until this point.
Have roughly 4 peer-reviewed journal references per 500 words from the CQU library (general web sites are not academic sources). HBR articles are a teaching tool and are not peer-reviewed and should be used sparingly to support your argument. Learn to do this quickly, book a librarian.
Familiarise yourself with Library support services (such as instructional videos, Library Help Guides and FAQs for accessing resources and referencing) and BeDifferent Support services.
Consider using automated references by, installing endnote, using endnote, and checking Turnitin score.
Watch video on report writing and review report writing templates here and here. Report exemplar is here
Join the MBAL linkedin group and MS Teams student team so you can discuss the assessment and course material. Teams setup video here
Watch the short introduction video to the MBA Leadership.
Ensure you have been to one student session and have a mentor.
You will use the knowledge provided so far in this unit to examine and analyse the reading on the following page. You will use this knowledge and your analysis to write a report of no more than 2,500 words (excluding the title page, references, and appendix) that responds to two questions.
In completing this case study, you are expected to draw upon broader knowledge gained in your studies to this point. Including references to other readings to support and contextualise your opinion is required.
Task description
Leadshare is a major Canadian consultancy that wanted to set up an excellent succession planning system. This case study reports on the outcomes.
You will use the case material to gain a better understanding of the management and leadership challenges facing Leadshare and other organisations and write a report of no more than 2,500 words (excluding title page, references, and appendix) that responds to the following questions. Remember to build a strong scholarly argument in your report.
Your report covering “the succession management and leadership challenges facing Leadshare and other organisations” argument will include:
The provided reading concludes that “Appreciative Inquiry provides many contributions to collective and collaborative efforts and maybe most ideal in those settings”. In no more than 200 words per section (about half a page) argue, which one or two of the leadership styles, roles, or types introduced in this unit would help you achieve each of the major themes in the article:
1) The Feeling of Unity,
2) Respected, Responsible, Inspirational Leadership,
3) Justice and Equality, and
4) People Development and Professional Competence. (total 800 words) 
Hint: Justify why you have selected your 1 or 2 leadership styles/roles/types to achieve the 4 major themes as opposed to the other leadership styles/roles/types you could have chosen. You may choose to have one or two leadership styles for all four points or choose a different style per point.
The case study discusses succession planning at Leadshare and proposes 11 “factors of Culture Continuity”. Please choose any five of these factors, and in no more than 300 words each, argue (with references) why you think this factor was “evident” or “not evident” in an enterprise you know deeply (one where you have worked). (total 1500 words)
Reminder: you need to use these two points in your overall argument of “the succession management and leadership challenges facing Leadshare and other organisations”.

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