Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles on Housing Homeless Males with Substance Use and Mental Illness in Shelters

Read the PowerPoint slide discussion on “How to find a peer-reviewed journal article”. Based on the discussion, use the Monroe College’s databases (The Link is in your Week 3 Folder) and locate FIVE peer-reviewed journal articles pertaining to your group’s topic. If your team has not chosen a topic, you are free to choose from the topics listed on your syllabus for this assignment. Once selected, copy and paste the reference ONLY for each journal article on a single page. An example/format looks like the below:
Sylvester, A. L., & Teboh, C. (2016). Police social work and community policing. Cogent Social Sciences, 2(1) doi: 
topic is Homeless Males with Substance Use and Mental Illness: Should they be housed in shelters?

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