can you please make slides based on the data i have provided and following this

can you please make slides based on the data i have provided and following this Concept map?
Slide 1: Title Slide
Group Title: Analysis of Job Satisfaction
Names: [List of Group Members]
Slide 2: Abstract and Context
Abstract: This presentation examines factors impacting employee job satisfaction, focusing on relationships with colleagues and work environment, to recommend improvements.
Problem/Context: Addressing lower than expected job satisfaction scores among employees and analyzing the influence of environmental and interpersonal factors.
Slide 3: Data Description and Analysis Overview
Data Description: Based on employee survey responses assessing job satisfaction, environment quality (ENVR), and colleague relations (COLL).
Descriptive Statistics: Mean, standard deviation, and range of job satisfaction scores are presented to set the foundation for further analysis.
Slide 4: Detailed Analysis
Analysis – Relationships with Colleagues (COLL): Regression model showing the impact on job satisfaction, with model fit and diagnostics.
Analysis – Working Environment (ENVR): Similar regression model setup, emphasizing the influence of the work environment on satisfaction levels.
Slide 5: Results and Conclusions
Results: Summarization of regression outputs highlighting significant findings. Both work environment and colleague relations are key determinants of job satisfaction.
Conclusion: Improved relationships and better work environments correlate strongly with higher satisfaction scores.
Slide 6: Recommendations and Future Directions
Improve workplace facilities and culture to foster a positive work environment.
Implement team-building and conflict resolution training to enhance interpersonal relations.
Future Directions: Suggestions for further research or additional factors that could be considered to deepen understanding and efficacy of interventions.
I have attached the flie (Excell)
and some example of the slides.
please make max 6 slides.
the PPT I have uploaded is my ppt, but its not understanable can you make it better following the instruction.