It is the final project report of a graduation in Marketing, and it is necessary

It is the final project report of a graduation in Marketing, and it is necessary based on the documentos attached write the methodology and findings (chapter 3 and 4). The first two charpter is already done. 
Also, I alredy did the presentation for this report, but I the write part is not done yet. I would like a help with those write. The ideia is alredy on the doc. attached, but if it is necessary any addaptition, be free to do it. 
Attached are the following documents: 
– Presentantion slides with the main ideias for the triangulation
– First two parts of the report
– Ansewer of the survey to be use in the triagulation
That is the sctructure that is necessary to follow:
Format of Report 
1. Introduction (DONE) 
• Objective of study
• Aims and objectives.
• Purpose of study
• Significance of study
• Limitations
2. Literature Review (DONE)
• Introduction
• Break down each of five themes – five sections.
3. Methodology – 1200 to 1400 words
• Introduction
• Research Approach
• Research Method
• Data collection Method 
• Sampling
• Pilot Study
• Analysis
4. Findings & Discussions: – 2000-2500 words
• You can treat this by Theme or, analyse each question on the questionnaire.
• Triangulation (see this link)

5. Conclusions & Recommendations