Low-income African country to enhance the access of the poor to better water supplies


The critical thinking question must be thoughtful, in depth, and based on information gathered from the readings. It should be clear that you have read the readings and thought about them. These questions are your own questions that you thought about during the readings:
What are the challenges in Culture to Health in Hispanic community?
What projects that can support it and how can you make it sustainable? Let’s focus on San Diego, Ca.

Discussion 2
What approach would you take in a low-income African country to enhance the access of the poor to better water supplies? Why?

Discussion 3
Describe one disease in a country, an intervention that could be proposed and how culture could play a role in intervention adherence or acceptance.
For example: Malaria, bed nets, and culture could play a negative role because people could use them for fishing instead of sleeping under them. In a low-SES community, populations would be more interested in food and less in malaria exposure.

Discussion 4
Find 3 sources (most of these should be a peer reviewed journal paper) on your research topic. Please use National University library and/or Google Scholar to assist in your search. Mention how you plan to use the information from this paper in your research. You need a minimum of 5 sentences. Get +1 on your mid-term exam. MUST BE IN PROPER APA FORMAT!
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