1) Read and annotate the three excerpts from James Joyce’s short story collectio

1) Read and annotate the three excerpts from James Joyce’s short story collection, Dubliners: “Araby,” “Eveline,” and “A Mother.”
2) In a Word document, write a few sentences summarizing the plots (including the main events like the endings, not just the premise of the story), noting the theme(s), and stating the tone(s). This should be done for all three stories.
3) Then, underneath, write a paragraph that describes the presence of two opposing elements in at least one of the stories and how the presence of both elements helps us to understand the nature of each one individually. (For example, we understand the concept of hot through its relationship to cold. How is this present in a literary example in Joyce’s stories?)
*This assignment is not a formal essay. You do not need to adhere to APA format. You will be graded only on the completeness of your response. Simply type your response in a document and submit it. Be ready to share these ideas in class.
Word count: 300 words minimum, not including direct quotes or formatting text. Only your original writing counts toward the word count. Submissions that don’t meet the word count will lose points.
Document must be in a Word document.