1) This was an organization of the political right founded during the 1970s: the

1) This was an organization of the political right founded during the 1970s:
the moral majority
the cato institution
the heritage foundation
all of the above
2) domestically, carters presidency was weakened by:
his tepid support for traditional liberal positions like labor and full employment
his efforts to tax racially segregated private Christian schools in the south
an ongoing energy crisis driven by OPEC
all of the above
3)Reagan defeated Carter because of:
ayatollah’s in Iran
Russians in Afghanistan
all of the above
4) While in office, Ronald Reagan:
Tanked the economy with a big tax cut
took credit for good relations with the Soviets built by every president since FDR
failed to dismantle social security
all of the above
5) Through the 80’s, Reagan republicans:
pushed law & order policies which negatively impacted communities of color
pushed banking deregulation which negatively impacted the security of banks
ignored the AIDS crisis, which negatively impacted the LGBTQ+ community
all of the above