Assignment Instructions Create an infographic or table that highlights critical

Assignment Instructions
Create an infographic or table that highlights critical thinking. The infographic or table can be created in Canva, PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, or another program you are familiar with.
Include the following in your infographic or table:
A definition of critical thinking
A description of the benefits of critical thinking
A description of the barriers to critical thinking
At least 4 critical thinking skills
A minimum of one scholarly source
Please refer to the assignment rubric for specific details regarding the assignment criteria and expectations.
Watch “How to Create Infographics in Minutes (Canva)” if you need help with Canva.
See this Download thisexample for an idea of how this can be created in Canva. 
PHI350 Critical Thinking Infographic
PHI350 Critical Thinking Infographic
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDefinition of Critical Thinking
10 pts
The infographic includes a comprehensive definition of critical thinking. The infographic demonstrates an in-depth understanding of this criteria through application of course content. This criteria is presented in the student’s own perception.
8 pts
The infographic includes an accurate and detailed definition of critical thinking. The infographic demonstrates an understanding of this criteria through application of course content. This criteria is presented in the student’s own perception.
6 pts
The infographic includes an adequate definition of critical thinking. The infographic demonstrates a basic understanding of this criteria through application of course content This criteria is presented in the student’s own perception.
4 pts
Needs Improvement
The infographic fails to provide an adequate definition of critical thinking. The infographic fails to demonstrate an understanding of this criteria through application of course content. This criteria is not presented in the student’s own perception.
0 pts
No Submission
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBenefits of Critical Thinking
20 pts
The infographic includes a comprehensive description of the benefits of critical thinking. The infographic demonstrates an in-depth understanding of this criteria through application of course content. This criteria is presented in the student’s own perception.
16 pts
The infographic includes an accurate and detailed description of the benefits of critical thinking. The infographic demonstrates an understanding of this criteria through application of course content. This criteria is presented in the student’s own perception.
12 pts
The infographic includes an adequate description of the benefits of critical thinking. The infographic demonstrates a basic understanding of this criteria through application of course content This criteria is presented in the student’s own perception.
8 pts
Needs Improvement
The infographic fails to provide an adequate description of the benefits of critical thinking. The infographic fails to demonstrate an understanding of this criteria through application of course content. This criteria is not presented in the student’s own perception.
0 pts
No Submission
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBarriers to Critical Thinking
20 pts
The infographic includes a comprehensive description of the barriers of critical thinking. The infographic demonstrates an in-depth understanding of this criteria through application of course content. This criteria is presented in the student’s own perception.
16 pts
The infographic includes an accurate and detailed description of the barriers of critical thinking. The infographic demonstrates an understanding of this criteria through application of course content. This criteria is presented in the student’s own perception.
12 pts
The infographic includes an adequate description of the barriers of critical thinking. The infographic demonstrates a basic understanding of this criteria through application of course content This criteria is presented in the student’s own perception.
8 pts
Needs Improvement
The infographic fails to provide an adequate description of the barriers of critical thinking. The infographic fails to demonstrate an understanding of this criteria through application of course content. This criteria is not presented in the student’s own perception.
0 pts
No Submission
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of Critical Thinking Skills
20 pts
The infographic includes a comprehensive description of at least 4 critical thinking skills. The infographic demonstrates an in-depth understanding of this criteria through application of course content. This criteria is presented in the student’s own perception.
16 pts
The infographic includes an accurate and detailed description of at least 4 critical thinking skills. The infographic demonstrates an understanding of this criteria through application of course content. This criteria is presented in the student’s own perception.
12 pts
The infographic includes an adequate description of at least 4 critical thinking skills. The infographic demonstrates a basic understanding of this criteria through application of course content This criteria is presented in the student’s own perception.
8 pts
Needs Improvement
The infographic fails to provide an adequate description of at least 4 critical thinking skills. The infographic fails to demonstrate an understanding of this criteria through application of course content. This criteria is not presented in the student’s own perception.
0 pts
No Submission
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVisual Components
10 pts
The infographic has a cohesive, visually pleasing, and appropriate background. The infographic contains high-quality graphics/icons that help the audience understand the content and does not detract from the infographic.
8 pts
The infographic has a cohesive background throughout. The infographic mostly contains appropriate graphics/icons that help the audience understand the content and do not detract from the infographic.
6 pts
The infographic does not consistently use visually pleasing and/or appropriate background. The images contained are not high-quality and/or they are not appropriate and detract from the infographic.
4 pts
Needs Improvement
The infographic does not have a cohesive, visually pleasing, and/or appropriate background. The infographic does not contain graphics and/or the graphics contained distract from the content.
0 pts
No Submission
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity and Cohesiveness
6 pts
The student effectively connects information from all sources. Infographic smoothly flows from one topic to the next without the need for headings. Student’s writing expertly expresses a relationship between all sources. The concluding remarks summarize and synthesize ideas.
4.8 pts
For the most part, the student connects information from all sources. Infographic flows with only some disjointedness. Student’s writing expresses a relationship between all sources. The concluding remarks summarize and synthesize most ideas.
3.6 pts
Sometimes the student connects information from all sources. Infographic lacks a consistent flow. Student’s writing does not consistently express a relationship between all sources. The concluding remarks summarize and synthesize some ideas; not all concepts are supported in the infographic.
2.4 pts
Needs Improvement
The infographic fails to connect information from all sources. Infographic does not flow – disjointedness is apparent. Student’s writing shows a minimal understanding of the relationship between all sources. Concluding remarks do not adequately summarize ideas.
0 pts
No Submission
6 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and Mechanics
8 pts
Infographic is free from spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. The tone of the infographic is appropriate for the audience.
6.4 pts
Infographic contains minimal (1-2) spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors. In a few instances, the tone of the infographic becomes too informal.
4.8 pts
Infographic contains several (3-5) spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors. Infographic is not always written in an appropriate tone for the audience.
3.2 pts
Needs Improvement
Infographic contains significant errors (more than 5) in APA format, grammar, spelling and/or punctuation. The tone of the infographic is not appropriate for the audience.
0 pts
No Submission
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences
6 pts
Meets or exceeds the required number of current sources, peer-review journal articles, and/or scholarly books. Sources include both general background sources and specialized sources. Special-interest sources and popular literature are acknowledged as such if they are cited. All web sites utilized are authoritative. Cites all data obtained from other sources. APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography.
4.8 pts
Less than the number of required references and/or the references submitted were not from current sources, peer-review journal articles, and/or scholarly books. Most sources include both general background sources and specialized sources. Most special-interest sources and popular literature are acknowledged as such if they are cited. Most web sites utilized are authoritative. Cites most data obtained from other sources. APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography.
3.6 pts
Less than the number of required references and the references submitted were not from current sources, peer-review journal articles, and/or scholarly books. Not many sources include both general background sources and specialized sources. Some special-interest sources and popular literature are acknowledged as such if they are cited. Some web sites utilized are authoritative. Cites some data obtained from other sources. Citation style is either inconsistent or incorrect.
2.4 pts
Needs Improvement
No references were included and/or does not cite sources.
0 pts
No Submission
6 pts
Total Points: 100