instructions on Assessment: The Brief: Google Merchandise Store The Google Merch

instructions on Assessment:
The Brief: Google Merchandise Store
The Google Merchandise Store is an ecommerce site that sells Google-branded merchandise. They sell a mix of apparel, lifestyle products, and stationery across the globe. 
As one of the world’s largest companies (Statista, 2023), Google employs over 190,000 people. However, the Google Merchandise Store contributes a very small part of their overall revenue.
The CEO of the company, Sundar Pichai, is of the opinion that the company’s marketing strategy should try and improve merchandise sales in the future. He has recruited you as a consultant to carry out a marketing analysis and advise him on the marketing strategy of the Google Merchandise Store. 
This assessment requires you to evaluate the marketing strategies of the Google Merchandise Store using a variety of metrics and analytic tools used in the module. You will use the insights derived from your analysis to make recommendations. 
There are three components to the assessment:
Part 1: Online Marketing Metrics and Analysis (15 marks)
Select one of the following types of digital marketing metrics covered in the module.
1.     Website and UX Analysis
2.     Social Media Analysis
3.     Search Engine Optimisation Analysis
For your chosen type of analysis, you will need to:
·       Conduct the analysis
·       Report your insights
·       Provide recommendations to the case study organisation based on the findings of your analysis. Use your knowledge of the chosen marketing area and concepts from the module to support your discussion. 
·       *More details will be provided regarding what is expected for each type of analysis
Part 2: Google Analytics (35 marks)
·       Use Google Analytics to conduct a detailed analysis on the performance of the Google Merchandise Store. 
·       Include insights on:
o   Audience
o   Acquisition
o   Behaviour
o   Conversions
o   Search
·       Include screenshots from Google Analytics to help visualise your findings.
·       Conclude this section with a 1-page Looker Studio dashboard to summarise key information. 
·       Google Looker Studio Guides:
·       What key recommendations would you make to GMS based on the insights you derived from your analysis? 
o   Support your recommendations with research and theory discussed in the module.
Part 3: Reflections on Marketing Metrics (35 marks)
·       Within this module, you have conducted several types and levels of analyses, including UX, social media, PPC, attribution, CRO, awareness, CLTV, among others. Select one and critically evaluate the value of this area (and the metrics that are involved) in the context of digital and traditional marketing. 
·       Support your discussion with industry and academic sources
·       Conclude your evaluation with recommendations for how these metrics can (or should) be used by the case study organisation. 
Do not chose the same with PART 1