Module 4 Case Assignment Based on the company you selected in module 1, complete

Module 4 Case Assignment
Based on the company you selected in module 1, complete the case assignment by gathering information on the company and summarizing the information
(in module 1 I have chosen AMAZON as a company of study. please use it)
• Identify mission and visions statements. Are they aligned with the goals of company? Do they mention ethics concerning consumers/customers? 
• Identify environmental forces. For example, you may need to search the Internet, media, etc., to determine if there are any political and/or legal concerns.
• Customer service management and/or call center to serve customers (This is normally, “the customer is always right” clause.You may have to visit the
organization or make telephone calls to dig deep on this one…good luck!) 
• Total marketing, promotional, advertising, or personal selling expenditures (or
budget)–do your best to nd out but it may be general item in a statement (check for public trading on the Internet for nancials) 
• Does the organization provide a positioning statement?
• Statement of target customer (For now, briey describe if they have the target identied in a mission statement because you will go into more detail in the
Signature Assignment)
• The marketing mix (they may use the traditional 4 Ps or label as something else but you should be able to identify them no matter the language)
• What is the branding statement and/or logo, e.g., Nike = Just do it!
Note: your paper does not have to follow the order listed above, but it should at least address each of the areas mentioned. 
Summarize your ndings and provide recommendations on how they could have done better, improve for the future, or sustain what they are doing. Do not
generalize but provide support for your narrative. 
Paper Guidelines
Each of the above bullet items should be a subject heading in your paper. Do not simply list this information but discuss each in paragraph format. 
may use charts and graphs but they must contain the source of where you retrieved the information, unless you are creative and make your own. 
Be sure to cite all of your information that did not come from your own thoughts, e.g., URL (website links), ProQuest Central, EBSCO multi-search,
eBooks, etc.
The paper will be 3 – 5 pages in length (excluding cover page and references).
Use a minimum of 4 sources in your case assignment.
Entire paper must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins, and 12-point Times New Roman font.
Make sure you have a title page and references page.
Proofread your paper and check for spelling and grammar errors–READ YOUR PAPER OUT LOUD or have someone else read it before turning it in.
If you do not turn in your Case Assignment before the deadline, points may be deducted from your score for tardiness. If you anticipate a problem turning in
your assignment on time, please contact your instructor immediately to avoid a failing grade for non-submission