Research essay that brings together the literature from all three units of the c

Research essay that brings together the literature from all three units of the course. Essays should be written in an accepted scholarly format , include appropriate citations (including a works cited page), and be approximately 3,000-4,000 words. Creative works and essays must engage with each module from the course AND bring in a minimum of five outside sources. It is up to you to make the argument that your creative project falls into this category through an annotated bibliography and other evidence. 5 Outside sources along with a few more listed in the class. Text me for a list of what the class covered. 
Research Question:  How do the ideas of resistance to unjust systems, presented by Thoreau, Marx, and Lorde, challenge and inform contemporary approaches to social change, considering the limitations of working within established power structures?
Thoreau’s “Resistance to Civil Government”: Focuses on individual conscience and disobedience towards unjust laws.
Marx’s Manifesto: Advocates for systemic change through class struggle.
Lorde’s “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House”: Critiques relying solely on the tools and frameworks of the oppressor for liberation.