Title: Prospecting for a Sociological Perspective: Exploring [Topic]

prospectus is an opportunity for you to start planning for your final paper. I
encourage you to pick a topic that is related from your SOC 101 Assignment and
to use the feedback I have given you to construct this midterm. You can also
continue a more in-depth discussion of your topic. Although you can choose your
own topic and paper format, you must approach the topic from a sociological
perspective and make clear links to the course. The majority of the readings in
your literature review, for example, should be from sociological journals (e.g.,
Sociology of Education, Sociological Inquiry, Sociological Forum, etc.) and/or
written by authors who utilize sociological perspectives in their work.
prospectus should be 3-4 pages double spaced and should include the following:
• Summary
of topic, clear statement of focus or sociological lens, and significance

Statement of relevance to the course
• List of
potential references that includes an annotated bibliography of at least 2
from class and 2 you’ll be using that could be outside of class (in
• Methods
(e.g. how you will conduct your lit review)

Timeline/work plan
prospectus can be part narrative (paragraphs), and part outline/bulleted

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