Understanding and Addressing the Stigma of Mental Illness: A Social Psychological Perspective

i have list of tittles to choose from but its all ab psychology at end 
Choose ONE of the following and answer it, making sure to address all the prompts.
2 pages max. ., doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf, NO .pages format 
#1.  Chapter 2: Scientific Methods,
[ ] describe an experiment you would want to conduct.  
[ ] What is your hypothesis, is there a theory or framework involved?
[ ] How would you collect data?  How would you analyze or present the data?
[ ] What do you expect to find if your hypothesis is true or if it turns out to be false?
[ ] What are the implications of your study and how far can you generalize it?  
[ ] Finally, why should we conduct this study?
#2. Chapter 6: Classic Conditioning
[ ] Describe a behavior you have learned through classic conditioning or a behavior you could                    teach someone with classic condition.  
[ ] Identify the Unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus and                          conditioned response.
[ ] How many trials do you think it would take to be conditioned, and what is the tendency for                     extinction and spontaneous recovery?
#3. Chapter 6: Operant Conditioning
[ ] Describe a behavior you can shape in yourself or another through operant conditioning.  
[ ] What are the possible reinforcement and punishments, both positive and negative.
[ ] What type of schedule of reinforcement will you choose and its delay?  
#4. Chapter 12: Social Psychology
[ ] Choose a current major issue in our society.  
[ ] What concept in social psychology is relevant to this issue?
[ ] How would you address and/or what is your response to this issue?
[ ] Why is this issue important to you and can social psychology provide guidance?  
#5.  Chapter 15: Psy Disorders & Treatment
[ ] Pick a psychological disorder or a group of related disorders.  
[ ] Describe this disorder and its related treatment.
[ ] Why did you pick this disorder?
[ ] Why is it important that other should be informed about this disorder?
[ ] How should others react to individuals who have this disorder?  
[ ] What should an individual who has this order do to get help?

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